The topics below are not exhaustive for this division.
Contest problems may contain topics not covered in the guide, or topics listed under different divisions!
Some lower-frequency topics are included in "Advanced."
Modules Progress
Problems Progress
Range Queries
It seems that no Platinum contest is complete without a segment tree ...
More Applications of Segment Tree
Somewhat Frequent
Walking on a Segment Tree, Non-Commutative Combiner Functions
Range Queries with Sweep Line
Not Frequent
Solving 2D grid problems using 1D range queries.
Range Update Range Query
Lazy updates on segment trees and two binary indexed trees in conjunction.
Sparse Segment Trees
Querying big ranges.
2D Range Queries
Extending Range Queries to 2D (and beyond).
Divide & Conquer - SRQ
Using Divide & Conquer to answer offline or online range queries on a static array.
Square Root Decomposition
Splitting up data into smaller chunks to speed up processing.
... or a tree!
Binary Jumping
Somewhat Frequent
Introduces the problems of finding level ancestors in a tree and computing the lowest common ancestors.
Small-To-Large Merging
A way to merge two sets efficiently.
Heavy-Light Decomposition
Path and subtree updates and queries.
Centroid Decomposition
Decomposing a tree to faciliate path computations.
Convex Hull
Most Platinum geometry problems.
Geometry Primitives
Basic setup for geometry problems.
Sweep Line
Introduction to line sweep.
Convex Hull
Not Frequent
Smallest convex polygon containing a set of points on a grid.
Convex Hull Trick
Not Frequent
A way to find the maximum or minimum value of several convex functions at given points.