USACO Bronze 2019 December - Livestock Lineup
Author: Benjamin Qi
Solution w/ Graphs
What if there were up to cows? Then neither of the solutions provided in the analysis would be fast enough.
Say that we draw an edge between two cows if they must be adjacent. Then if a solution exists, the graph must be a union of paths.
(insert diagram)
We iterate over the cows in increasing lexicographical order. If a cow is not yet part of the answer and it is the endpoint of a path, then we add the entire path containing the cow to the answer.
1#include <bits/stdc++.h>2using namespace std;34using ll = long long;5using ld = long double;6using db = double;7using str = string; // yay python!89using pi = pair<int,int>;10using pl = pair<ll,ll>;
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