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(Optional) Intro to Bitwise Operators

Author: Siyong Huang

Goes over the six bitwise operators and the common ways they are used.

Note that so far, no Silver problem has required knowledge of bitwise operators, so you can skip this module if you want.

CFGreat explanation by Errichto
GFGThe same operators are used in java and python

Let's take a look at some examples to better understand bitwise operators. Note that you typically won't be asked to use bitwise operators to implement addition/multiplication.

Example: Addition

Try implementing addition using bitwise operators! (Here's an online judge if you want to test it)


Example: Multiplication

Now try implementing multiplication using bitwise operators! (I couldn't find an online judge for multiplication, but here's a similar problem: link)


StatusSourceProblem NameDifficultyTagsSolutionURL
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Math, Brute Force

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Math, Greedy

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Math, Greedy

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Math, Interactive

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